Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Does your pup prefer to look at anything other than you when there are distractions? Read on...

Doctor has begun a new chapter of his training. He's moving on to more advanced skills, such as paying attention in distracting environments. One way to improve this skill is with "prompted and unprompted attention" exercises, also known as auto-focus.

The idea is that you reward your pup for every time he brings his focus to you through eye contact. This is different from "look" because you are either using his name, or waiting for him to focus on you on his own.

"Prompted attention"
Begin in a low-distraction environment.
1. Call his name
2. As soon as he makes eye contact, mark "good boy" and reward with treats.
3. Give 3-10 treats in a row as long as he continues to make eye contact.

Now try on a leash-
1. Facing the pup, say his name
2. When he gives eye contact, mark and reward while backing up and feeding treats
3. Continue to back up and give treats as long as he maintains eye contact

"Unprompted Attention"
 This will reinforce his attention in high-distraction environments
1. Begin just outside your home- wait until your dog gives you eye contact (with no noises, movements, or commands)
2. Mark and reward the eye contact, then continue to treat as long as he's looking
3. Walk him up the street and mark and reward all eye contact, continue to treat as he maintains eye contact

Constantly reinforce his attention
-Throughout the day, reward your pup's attention with praise and petting.

These exercises will improve your puppy's desire to focus on you! Eventually your dog will "auto-focus" on you throughout the day and in high-distraction environments, making his commands easier to give and follow.

Thank you New England Dog Training Club for sharing this skill!

This is the sort of eye contact you want.